A Heartbroken Poem To Get Her Back?
- 03/20/2020
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If you have written a heartbroken poem because you’re separated from your loved one, it might be something that will bring you back together. Writing poetry is a good way to cope with a break-up. And if you write a very touching heartbroken poem, you may surprise your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend with how much you care.
You should not write the poem the moment you break up and inside an hour rush it over to them to read. A heartbroken poem, to be real, is something which will potentially take at least a little time to scribble.
You are not going to need to just write down anything that comes to your mind and start reading it aloud to your Ex. This will feel fake and forced. You would like this to be real if it may help you to get back together. You do not have to be a great poet to pen a heartfelt poem that will move your Ex and make them see things in a different light. So if you have never written a poem before in your life, don’t worry.
It is not that tough to write a heartbroken poem once you make a decision to do it and you start, it gets even easier while using a thesaurus to help express your feelings of words. The toughest part is getting started, though, so you’ve got to make yourself do that. Then it will possibly start to flow more naturally.
First, just think about how you are feeling. Naturally you will feel stuff like unhappiness or hurt. But if you can compare that to something else instead of just say you are unhappy or hurt, it makes for a stronger poem. Comparing a flooding rain to all of the tears you have cried is far better than announcing “I’ve cried a lot.”
Comparing tears to rain is a little clich, but it gives you the general idea of how you need to use metaphors to make the writing better and more pointed. In the poem, tell your ex what’s different about your life without them, and how you would like to have them back. You can list the explanations, so long as they are valid ones that your ex might wish to hear. If you have not written much or any poetry, then don’t fret about rhyming.
Modern poetry infrequently rhymes unless it’s for comic effect. Just write sort of like you talk, but with metaphor and words that bring up a psychological picture as you read. You may also be extraordinarily truthful in the poem in a way that might make you uncomfortable in a conversation. Particularly if you will not be there when your ex reads the poem, it’s better to say things you could worry about saying in the flesh, because there cannot be a fast refusal. So say what you need to say. It may not be simple to pen something similar to that to give to your ex. You could worry that they will think it’s daft. But you may always know that you attempted. Even if your heartbroken poem does not change anything, at least you fought for what you wanted.