Exiled #1 – Review
- 02/07/2020
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The Review: I confess that I’m not at all a New Mutants reader and, as such, wasn’t particularly thrilled at the announcement of this crossover. However, as a huge Journey...
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What An Inspirational Story!
- 01/04/2020
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Today I have a truly inspirational story for you. Just sit back and relax for 5 minutes while reading this amazing story, because I KNOW you’ll get motivated by it!...
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Why is it preferable to read a book rather than to view a movie?
- 12/20/2019
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From the latest novels, to the really early launches of films based upon books, it is often accepted that generally the books are very much better than that of their...
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The Rest of the Stack for the Week of 11-4-09
- 11/20/2019
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The Good And The Bad: The first issue of Deadpool’s new series delivers everything I want from a comic featuring a team-up between Deadpool and Hercules. Fred Van Lente’s script...
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